Speaking Engagements

Me delivering a keynote on representations of sex with the (un)dead and what they reveal about cultural attitudes toward unconventional sex and relationship practices at the Sex, Scandal and Sensation conference at Falmouth University, July 2024

Looking for Workshops, Talks or Journal or Podcast Representation at Conferences?

I have presented and given invited talks at a wide range of academic
conferences and universities, and enjoy visiting different institutions around the UK and further afield.

I offer representation of the academic journals Mortality and Revenant as well as The Death Studies Podcast at conferences.

If you’d like to get in touch about having journal and/or podcast representation at one of your conferences, or you would like to invite me to run a workshop or give a talk please contact me.

I can offer workshops and talks on:

  • Academic Podcasting
  • Death Studies
  • Representations of Death & Dying in Media & Culture
  • Popular Cultural Representations of Academics, Students and Universities
  • Autothanatography and Creative Writing for Wellbeing Workshops
  • The Benefits & Challenges of Interdisciplinarity & being ‘Intellectually Promiscuous’ (a term I’ve borrowed from Judith Butler)
  • ‘Patchwork’ Careers in the Arts & Humanities